

All Lua modifications provided here are intended for the video game PAYDAY 2 and use the BLT format. It means they require a Lua hook and a framework that is BLT compatible like original BLT (deprecated) or SuperBLT.

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Or you can take a guided tour by following next page buttons found at the bottom of each page.

Updates system

The initial system has stopped working since the domain ceased to operate in February 2020. All my mods relied on it, so you won't receive any updates unless you install .


In case you stumble upon a bug, please provide all details right from the start. If you write a solid case with screenshots, copy of crashlog and context well described, then a solution will certainly come faster. I'll make as much effort to understand a problem than you to explain it.

You can leave a comment on Disqus by clicking on the speech bubble 💬 found at the bottom of each mod page. Alternatively, you can message me on reddit or seek help in Steam forums, where I usually keep an eye on Bug Reporting and Modding subforums.

Support me

All the mods here represent several thousand hours of work. Any donation is welcome. Just click on Support below, enter your pseudonym and hit the PayPal button, it's easy ;)